Greetings from the Enchanted Everglades!

I'm Salena, a mom and writer trying to stay sane in my first year of parenting by escaping into fiction. Join me for "Gin and Chronic," a weekly tale featuring Jerard—a wizard who's more sarcastic than magical—and Eloise, his enigmatic sidekick. They're tangled in a murder mystery that's anything but predictable.

For accessibility and convenience, you'll get each story segment with optional audio. Check out the podcast tab, or click on the posts to tune in.

Why Subscribe?

Every Wednesday, I'll release a new segment of our adventure. We'll explore enchanted forests, meet grumpy wizards, and uncover cozy mysteries. Join a community of readers who cherish a touch of the fantastical in their inbox. 

Let's Connect

This enchanted grove is about more than just stories—it’s about forging connections. Your insights and spells of wisdom are eagerly awaited here, and I’m thrilled to conjure up conversations with you. Let's make this space a refuge from the everyday grind.

By the magic of the mangroves,


Subscribe to Gin and Chronic Murder Mystery

Gather 'round, lovers of fantasy and cozy mysteries! Join Jerard, our curmudgeonly wizard, as he untangles magical mysteries with his quirky sidekick in our charming village. New segments released each Wednesday.


Mom & creative person. I like to write. New segments of my cozy fantasy mystery, “Gin and Chronic,” release every Wednesday.